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pddadmin 07-20-2008 10:52 PM

business license search
Question about a business license search?

jinx 07-22-2008 02:35 PM

business license
If a business claims to be in business in CA where do I look to make sure they have a business license? Supposedly they are a janitorial business in LA and San Diego.

jinx 07-22-2008 02:49 PM

I forgot to add that I already checked online for the corporation name and it was not there nor was it under LP/LLC.

Ayatollahgondola 07-22-2008 08:49 PM

A business can be a corporation domiciled in any state, and operate it in any other state. Nevada corporations were quite the rage for awhile because they offered shelter from information gatherers. But they would need a business license in that name, or the corporation could operate under a fictitious name in a county or city. for instance, ABC inc. of Nevada operates a business called super window washers in San Bernadino county. They would be required to have a fictitious name statement on file in each county they had a location in.
But, if it was just a sole proprietership, they would get a fictitious name statement, and a business license in that name. Just because it's required, doesn't mean they are complying though.

jinx 07-24-2008 02:54 AM

I called San Bernardino and verified that they do have a business license.

I have what I feel is strange( because I don't understand it) business thing going on.

There is a business called Namac Services in Ontario, CA. I was told there was also a business here in Bullhead City, AZ with the same name. I found it in the phone book and there was no address, just a phone #. Listed under janitorial. I checked everything trying to find a corporation or business license unsuccessfully. I finally called the city here and asked if in fact a business does have to have a license. Yes. I gave the name of the business and there is no license. I decided to call the # to inquire about there services. I was told that they had no business license to operate in the state of AZ(I found it odd that I was informed of that right off the bat). He told me that the business was in CA(in LA, San Diego and I didn't catch where else). I was aware of the one in Ontario and in all my checking I cannot find the business in LA or San Diego. He further informed me that they had to keep a phone here for the business. I have to say that he was unusually informative and I let it go. Now, why would a business operating in CA have to maintain an appearance of a business here? I don't know how business's operate, but this just does not seem the norm. Any idea's of what could be going on?

Ayatollahgondola 07-26-2008 06:25 PM

It's hard to answer why. If the business told you that, it could be that some contract they have with another large company requires it, or they may have a deal with the advertising company like Yellow pages that they have so much advertising in a specific area to get a discount. who knows? Have you actually seen them working in a state or muni that they are not licensed in?

jinx 07-27-2008 12:36 AM

I have not seen them working. I called to act like I wanted to hire them and he told me that info. I'm kind of suspicious that he came right out and told me there was no business license. I also suspect that he had caller ID and was already told I may call. You see, this business is one of our Reps. She knows I am on her trail.:rolleyes:

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