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FEMA 05-21-2010 12:04 PM

Friday, May 21, 2010
Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED)

Significant National Weather

Most of the region will see rain and thunderstorms with rainfall of over two inches possible in southern Indiana and Ohio. A few storms may be severe from Indiana and Illinois south to northern Alabama. The rain should start to clear by the afternoon in Iowa and Missouri and by Saturday in Illinois, Wisconsin, and much of Indiana.Â*Â*
Scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast from Mississippi to the Appalachians. A few of the thunderstorms could become severe, especially from the Texas Panhandle to Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. Over two inches of rain is possible. A few isolated thunderstorms are also possible in south Florida.
Today, the weather will be warm and dry with temperatures remaining around the seasonal average. On Saturday, rain and thunderstorms will move into the western portions of the region.
Rain is forecast over the western portions of Washington and Oregon. A couple of inches of snow are possible at the higher elevations from northern California to the western portions of Idaho and Montana. The mountains of northern Utah and much of Wyoming will see a few scattered thunderstorms. Gusty winds are forecast in the mountains around Los Angeles, northern Arizona, and southern Utah.Â*(NOAAâs National Weather Service, the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center and media sources)

Update on Northern Michigan Fires

The Meridian Boundary Fire has burned 7,500 acres and is 65% contained. The fire destroyed at least 12 homes and numerous other structures.
The Camp Grayling Fire (Range 9 Fire), burned 1,100 acres and is 85-95% contained. It destroyed 3 primary residences and 3 outbuildings and was also caused by controlled burns that got out of control.
Severe Weather: Recovery Mississippi Valley/Southeast Update

Minor flooding is expected on portions of the Mississippi River at Tiptonville Thursday and Friday. Flooding will primarily impact farmland inside the Mainline Levee system in northwest Tennessee.
The Joint Field Offices in Mississippi and Tennessee are now operational.
Recovery operations continue from the Joint Field Office in Lexington, KY.

Mississippi Canyon 252 Update

The lead federal agencies responding to the incident are the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Department of Interior. FEMA is providing the U.S. Coast Guard with radios for communications support for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
Containment/sorbent booms, surface.subsurface dispersants, and skimming operations have resulted in the recovery of approximately 8.3 million gallons of oil/water mixture to date. 604,066 gallons of surface dispersant and 56,862 gallons of subsea dispersant have been applied to date.
The Department of Agricultureâs Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is assisting the Louisiana Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in monitoring oil in Terrebonne Bay and Breton Sound. Heavy and light oil was sighted at South Pass, Louisiana and an investigation is ongoing.
Hurricane Preparedness Week

The 2010 Hurricane Preparedness Week will be held May 23rd through 29th. History teaches that a lack of hurricane awareness and preparation are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster. Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG)

No activity.Â*(FEMA HQ) Tropical Weather Outlook

No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Earthquake Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Preliminary Damage Assessments

No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Wildfire Update

National Preparedness Level 1
National Fire Activity as of Wednesday, May 20, 2010:
Initial attack activity: Light (111 new fires) New large fires: 0, Â*Large fires contained: 0, Uncontained large fires: 4, States affected: Arizona, New Mexico, Michigan and Alaska.Â*(NIFC)
Disaster Declaration Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)


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