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FEMA 07-28-2010 07:56 AM

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED)

Significant National Weather

The region can expect scattered thunderstorms through the next few days. Red Flag Warnings are in effect for the Northern Intermountain Region through tonight; dry lighting is likely. Thunderstorms from central Oregon to Montana could turn severe with strong wind gusts and hail. Thunderstorms and localized flash flooding is possible for the Four Corners states.
A frontal boundary stretching from the Great Lakes to the Central Plains will move across the region. Thunderstorms are forecast along the front as far south as Missouri; damaging wind gusts are possible.
The region will remain hot and humid with temperatures in the upper 90s. Thunderstorms are forecast with the possibility of localized flash-flooding, damaging wind gusts, and small hail.
The region will be generally dry under high pressure with the possibility of a few thunderstorms in the Virginias. Later today, the frontal system moving in off the Great Lakes will produce showers and thunderstorms from Pennsylvania to New England. A few of these storms could turn severe across New York and Pennsylvania with gusty winds the primary threat. Tonight and tomorrow, the cold front and thunderstorms will continue to move across the region. Â*(NOAA and media sources)
Mid-Atlantic â Severe Thunderstorms

Severe thunderstorms passed through the region on Sunday, July 25.Â* Approximately 47,000 customers remain without power in the DC Metro area. There is no request for federal assistance.Â*Â*(FEMA Region III)
Louisiana Barataria Waterway â Wellhead Release

On July 27, a dredge barge made impact with an oil/natural gas wellhead owned by the State of Louisiana. The well is releasing oil and gas and created an oil slick 50 yards wide and 1 nautical mile long along the shoreline and nearby marsh. A 6,000 foot boom was deployed to contain the oil. There is no request for federal assistance. Â*
Oil Spill â Marshall, Michigan

On July 26, a 30-inch pipeline ruptured and spilled 19,500 barrels (819,000 gallons) of oil into Talmadge Creek and impacting 16 miles of the Kalamazoo River. The Environmental Protection Agency responded but there are no additional requests for Federal assistance.Â*Â*(Region V)Â*
Mississippi Canyon 252 Update

FEMA is providing personnel to the National Integration Center and additional Logistics and External Affairs support to the Federal On-Scene Coordinator. FEMA leads the Social Services and Small Business Interagency Working Group (Claims and Benefits). Booming and skimming continues as weather permits. The spill has impacted approximately 640 miles of coastline. (NIC Daily Situation Update)
Wildfire Activity

National Preparedness Level: 2
National Fire Activity as of Tuesday, July 27, 2010:
Initial attack activity: light (337 new fires), new large fires: 5, large fires contained: 13
Uncontained large fires: 12, U.S. States affected: NV, CA, WY, MT,UT, ID, CO, WA, AK & FL (NIFC)Â*
California Wildfires

Bull Fire - Kernville, Calif.
Approximately 4,500 acres have been consumed and 2,000 residents were evacuated. There are 1,200 structures threatened and 296 personnel fighting the fire with 12 helicopters and 23 fire engines. An FMAG â 2849-CA was approved for this fire on July 27, 2010.
West Fire â Tehachapi, Calif.
Approximately 700 acres have been consumed. To date, 30 homes are destroyed, 50 homes faced mandatory evacuation and 400 more evacuated voluntarily. Currently, 150 residences and a wind turbine generating plant is threatened. The fire is 15 percent contained. An FMAG-2850-CA was approved for this fire on July 27, 2010. (FEMA HQ)
Tropical Weather Outlook

Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico:
No tropical cyclone activity is expected in the next 48 hours. Eastern, Central and Western Pacific:
No tropical cyclone activity is expected in the next 48 hours.Â*(NOAA, JTWC)Â*
Earthquake Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Preliminary Damage Assessments

No new activity (FEMA HQ)
Disaster Declaration Activity

On July 27, 2010, the President signed a major disaster declaration (FEMA-1927-DR-ID) for severe storms and flooding from June 2-10, 2010. Seven counties are eligible to apply for the Public Assistance Program and all counties in the state are eligible to apply for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
On July 27, 2010, the President signed a major disaster declaration (FEMA-1926-DR-OK) for severe storms, tornados, straight-line winds and flooding from June 13-15, 2010. Seven counties are eligible to apply for the Public Assistance Program and all counties in the state are eligible to apply for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (FEMA HQ)


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