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pddadmin 08-25-2007 11:19 PM

Mission Statement
Welcome to Public Document Distributors!

This forum was founded to help distribute important documents and raise awareness among the general public in the greater Sacramento area. Information is the most valuable commodity in the world, yet many obstacles inhibit the spread of it in a timely manner. This website is dedicated to the free distribution of important documents that will hopefully make our communities, friends, and families more secure, and our interractions with businesses and public entities fair.
Many of documents you find on this website are available to the public, however, much of it is not in electronic forms as it is here. In addition, many of the documents made available here have been painstakenly obtained, processed, and paid for by others who value their communities and a free society. Please keep in mind when reading or downloading documents, that someone else thought of others as well as themselves.

You do not have to register to read or download documents from this website

You will be required to register if you wish to comment or ask questions on the forums about documents. Registration is free, and a valid Email address is the only real requirement

Registered users can upload documents they wish to share with the public, however all uploads are moderated first, so it may take a few days for your document uploads to be approved and then have them appear on the forum

Guests wishing to remain anonymous, but would like to have a document uploaded to the forum may email the material to:

jinx 07-18-2008 10:24 PM

Where Do I Ask Questions?
I don't know where to ask questions. My question is, if a business is in business then they are required to have a business license. right? I their business is not listed in the corporations where would I look for a license? It is a housekeeping/janitorial business.

Ayatollahgondola 07-20-2008 11:06 PM

Welcome Jinx,

I can help you. this thread will end up moved soon to the discussion thread, but in the interim, here are the answers you seek.

Business licenses are issued to both corporate and persons. Usually a city license is required if it is within city limits, and/or a county business license is required if you are doing business in a county. In California, even if you have a corporate charter, you are required to get a city or county business license to operate your corporation in each city or county. If you are a sole proprietership (individual) or partnership, you still need a business license. Some counties and cities have a business license division, and some just operate under one roof so-to-speak. Many municipalities call them business tax certificates instead of license. The licenses are public information, however getting a look at them can be easy or hard depending on how the muni has it structured. Even here in Sacramento, you have to have a name to look up first, and you submit that name on a short piece of paper for them to look up. howver, the Fictitious name statement can be looked up on-line.

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