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pddadmin 08-25-2007 11:34 PM

Posting Rules
(1) Please do not register with a fraudulent email address, or that of another without their permission.
(2) Please do not register a screen name that would appear racially, sexually, or religiously offensive to other registrants.
(3) Please do not use the forums to engage in a personal war with another registered user.
(4) Please do not post pornographic images, advertisements, or website links.
(5) Please refrain from posting any foul language, swear words, or expletetives that would seem offensive to most people, however those that are within uploaded public documents should not be edited or altered
(6) No advertisements of, or solicitations for; goods, property or services outside the classified ad forum area.
(7) Please post within the proper categories.
(8) Please keep your posts reasonably on topic.
(9) Please do not exhibit threatening behavior towards other registrants
(10) Please do not use this forum to collect information from registrants for a commercial marketing purpose.
(11) Please do not use the email or private message system to harrass, threaten, ot intimidate another member.
(12) Please do not represent yourself as a spokesperson, agent, employee, manager, coordinator, chairperson, or any other official or designee of PublicDocumentDistributors without first obtaining written permission from a PublicDocumentDistributors Administrator.

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