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Old 02-03-2009, 12:54 AM
pddadmin pddadmin is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 160
Default California State Board of Equalization Offers in Compromise

This thread will host the most current accepted offers in compromise from sales tax debtors. The documents attached cover a time period from May of 2008 through January 23rd of 2009.

Taxpayer Name

Natalie Cintas-Gladnick

Amount of Unpaid Tax, Penalties and Interest


Amount Offered on Behalf of the Taxpayer


Why the Compromise is in the Best Interests of the State of California

The amount of the accepted offer, $25,000.00, represents the most the
state can expect to collect from the taxpayer's assets or income within a
reasonable period of time. The taxpayer does not have reasonable
prospects of acquiring increased income or assets that would enable the
taxpayer to satisfy a greater amount of liability than the compromised
amount within a reasonable amount of time.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf SBOE Offers in Comp 1.pdf (451.4 KB, 20973 views)
File Type: pdf SBOE Offers in Comp 2.pdf (597.3 KB, 20858 views)
File Type: pdf SBOE Offers in Comp 3.pdf (454.3 KB, 20947 views)
File Type: pdf SBOE Offers in Comp 4.pdf (598.7 KB, 20920 views)
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