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Old 06-05-2008, 07:07 PM
Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default Bixby vs Ernce

This was a long case. The Ernce's contracted with Bixby for a kitchen remodel among other work on a home in Sacramento. The complaint for breach, Intentional misrepresentation, Trespass, and violations of business and professions codes, also included a lein expungement in which a judge ruled intent to defraud by Bixby. Events detailed within these case documents also caused the MJB Bixby Contractors license to be suspended, and a disclosure of violations listed on the State Contractors License Board website. The California State Attorney General prosecuted the violations in conjunction with the California State Contractors Board.

14 they were not going to leave, that Bixby knew the law and had every right to be in the Ernces'
15 home because of the signed contract. Concerned for her physical safety, Lynn told Bixby that she
16 would call the police if Bixby did not leave. Bixby told Lynn to go ahead and call the police
26 cBixby also yelled repeatedly about how much money the Emces owed Bixby. At first, Bixby
27 claimed the Ernces owed $10,000. By the time the police arrived, Bixby was shouting that the
28 Ernces owed $20,000. Bixby repeatedly threatened to lien the Ernces' home and to sue them,
all the while refusing to leave despite Lynn's repeated and constant requests that Bixby leave. When
2 the officer arrived, he permitted Bixby to remove tools and materials, and stayed with Lynn until
3 ~Bixby left.
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Attached Files
File Type: pdf Ernce complaint.pdf (1.32 MB, 23538 views)
File Type: pdf Ernce bixby denial.pdf (308.8 KB, 23704 views)
File Type: pdf Ernce lien forclosure.pdf (137.5 KB, 23156 views)
File Type: pdf Ernce ansr lein frclsr.pdf (370.5 KB, 23100 views)
File Type: pdf ernce motion.pdf (824.8 KB, 23465 views)

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola : 06-21-2008 at 12:12 AM.
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