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Old 06-17-2008, 11:38 PM
Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default MJB Bixby vs. Robert Doty

This reply space is to accomodate more uploaded documents from the Doty case.

My partner called Mr. Bixby on his cell phone. This time he answered. He seemed
shocked to hear from Brian. To summarize their brief discussion: Mr. Bixby informed
my partner that he had already placed a lien on the property and said that at no time
would he be interested in discussing the billings any further. He became quite belligerent
at this time, stating that [fwe did not pay the amount currently owed (how much this was,
of course, he would not say) then we would end up paying $15,000.00 or more. When
my partner inquired what this $15,000.00 amount was, Mr. Bixby's exact words were,
"Well, just don't pay and you'II find out" My partner pressed him again to explain, and
Mr. Bixby only replied that we would see.
Note: As it turns out, Mr. Bixby had filed a mechanic's lien on the property on
Thursday, February 15,2001, the day after the meeting he had scheduled and at which he
was conspicuously absent.

The incident began after I had been in the exercise room about 40 minutes. I had
finished using an exercise bike, and walked to the water fountain, when Mr. Bixby
approached me. I did not recognize him immediately. He stated, "You are fucking with
the wrong person. You do not know who you are dealing with. I will make you very sorry
for what you are doing."
I did not hear him clearly, and ~sked him to repeat what he said. He repeated his
statement, finishing by calling me "dick." I began to realize who he is. I told him my
name is "Robeli." At that point, he said, "No, it's dick. You are an asshole."
I told him I intend to assert my rights. He stated his position, repeatedly calling me
"dick." I told him he had called me "dick" 12 or 13 times, and asked him to stop. He
stood very close to me. He then told me, "You are in my personal space, dick. If you
touch me, I will make you very sorry."
Attached Files
File Type: pdf G Carver stmnt of facts.pdf (3.68 MB, 21585 views)
File Type: pdf Doty vs Bixby Del Rio stmnt.pdf (224.8 KB, 21240 views)

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola : 07-20-2008 at 10:31 PM.
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